Sunday, 6 April 2008

The Fires of Pompeii

Episode Location: Earth, Pompeii 79AD
Aliens/Enemies: Maybe the Pyrophile?
New Characters: Unknown
Gadgets Used: Unknown
Episode Objective: Unknown
Pompeii, AD 79. It's volcano day! But there's far more then Vesuvius to worry about: psychic powers are running rampant; a secretive Sisterhood conceals a horrifying High Priestess; and beneath the ground, vast creatures are stirring.This is where Donna truely comes into her own, challenging the Time Lord like no-one's ever done before, with one vital question: if he knows everyone is going to die, why can't he save them? There is no easy answer for the Doctor, as the Cult of Vulcan prepares to forge a new empire on Earth....

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